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Newsletter No 3 Autumn 2007
This Newsletter is distributed to the Timeline York Plus groups and to libraries in the Greater York area.
Acomb Local History Group
Contact: John Terry 01904 798956
Bishop Wilton Local History Group
Our Bishop Wilton Local History Group is entering its sixth year and we are about to publish our 16th Bulletin. Over the sixteen issues we have filled just over 450 pages with both the ancient and recent history of our Parish. We have a small core of active members and a larger circle of supporters who attend our regular meetings and exhibitions. Our website continues to be very successful in garnering material from the descendants of former residents which would have otherwise been lost to us.
The Bishop Wilton website is:
Bishopthorpe Local History Group
Our activities are progressing, but a little more slowly than we would have liked. Some members have been involved in various public enquiries including the preparation of a history panel to be located in the pinfold and this has placed other work on hold. Our Community Archive is now back in Bishopthorpe library and, after some technical problems, work is continuing on the preparation of a CD ROM. Our stand at the Bishopthorpe gala was well received and sales of prints of old Bishopthorpe were popular. Oral history interviews continue to be successful and we have 70 on disc. Transcription of various archives onto disc continues.
Contact: D Forrester 01904 705396
Dringhouses Local History Group
Our programme of monthly talks, walks and visits continues to be very well supported. We have recently undertaken an archaeological survey in a Dringhouses garden and we have produced leaflets about historical aspects of old Dringhouses and the Knavesmire. Both of these are proving very popular.
We continue to build a collection of photos of Dringhouses past and present and some members are researching Dringhouses families and seven “lost” houses. We always welcome reminiscences and information and our meetings are, of course, open to all.
To contact the Group please telephone York 706384 or 703970.
Friends of Hob Moor
Our Group is fully involved in all aspects of the ecology and history of Hob Moor Local Nature Reserve and area of archaeological importance, and Little Hob Moor. Detailed information boards are now in place at 4 of the access points and one is planned for the Tadcaster Road entrance to Little Hob Moor. The long-planned archaeological work to try to find the site of the medieval water mill and to investigate the south-west end of the main track may take place next year.
We have a new website It already has a number of sections and is still being developed.
You can contact us on 01904 784616, also at [email protected] or via the website.
Friends of Hagg Wood
In 2007 FWH was awarded two grants: £11,690 from Local Heritage Initiative and £7,145 from Breathing Places. The LHI grant paid for BTCV to clear away rhododendron, to allow Stephen Moorhouse to undertake a landscape history survey of the wood, set in the medieval township of Scoreby. His initial findings are recorded in the second edition of the FHW booklet, renamed ‘Hagg Wood – Past, Present and Future’ and published in November 2007.
FHW has been recording hedgerows under the guidance of Barry Wright, as well as looking at the boundaries, ditches and dykes within the wood, trying to place them in chronological order. Barry’s initial work is also included in the booklet.
Please contact Linda Maggs on York 489127. Everyone is welcome.
Forest and Hopgrove Local History Group
Contact: Terry Briggs: 46 Kingsmoor Road, Stockton on the Forest, YO32 9TY (Tel. 01904 400013) or Steve Burton: 98, the Village, Stockton on the Forest, YO32 9UW (Tel. 01904 400066)
Haxby Local History Group
The Carnival was another success with great interest shown in the History Group marquee.
We have received two WWII medals found locally. One has been researched and a presentation created which has been displayed at various venues including the local library. The other is still being researched. Compilation is progressing of our new book, a pictorial history over the years. It will be entitled “Haxby Remembered”.
Now that plaques have been fixed to the buildings of historical interest in the village, a number of well-supported tours have been given. Over the season we have had many interesting and informative talks and visits enjoyed by members.
For more information contact Moira Walker, 14 Old Dikelands, Haxby YO32 2WN
Hungate Excavation (Hungate Community Trust: Archaeology Group)
Contact: Martin Bartlett 01904 631861 or Liddy Dalesman 01904 332784
Naburn Local History Group
Naburn Local History Group was formed in 2000, after being given invaluable help by Susan Major of Poppleton History Society. We subsequently received a grant from ‘Awards for All’.
In September, Stillingfleet Chroniclers kindly invited us to their monthly meeting. They staged a very interesting display for us (old maps, census returns, photographs, etc).
We have inserted 184 records (mostly photographs) into the site at
We are hoping to produce a leaflet similar to the ones (for the Knavesmire and Dringhouses) produced by Dringhouses Local History Group. Naburn is planning a ‘Village Design Statement’
in 2008, and it is thought that some of the material gathered for this will also be suitable for producing an ‘Exploring Old Naburn’ leaflet.
Contact: Iris Wells [[email protected]]
Poppleton History Society
The Archaeology Group completed the geophysical survey of the Scheduled Ancient Monument located near St. Everilda’s Church and the technical report should be ready in November. Some preliminary survey work was carried out from the edge of the site towards the River Ouse with the aim of verifying the extent and method of retention of the site perimeter. Further research into the Tudor Manor location is planned together with investigations into the areas adjacent to the Ancient Monument.
The History Society continues its monthly presentations, starting at 7.30pm, at the Methodist Church Hall in Poppleton on the first Wednesday of each month. For further details contact 01904 338610. We have a History Society website on
Stillingfleet Chroniclers
Contact Yvonne Clark 01904 728877
Strensall Local History Group
We have commenced a topographical survey of the grounds and fields surrounding the Strensall Manor House, an undertaking that will take some time to complete. Although there has been extensive building (and later demolition) in some of the fields, the remnants of the old course of the River Foss have been identified together with some man-made features. There are plans to complete a geophysical survey over some of these features, for example the moat. The Buildings History sub-group has carried out a large scale visual survey of the houses in the old part of the village, obtaining as much historical information about them as possible. The results were presented at a recent Group meeting. The Oral History sub-group has recorded the memories of several current and former villagers and the transcripts are in progress.
For more information contact: 01904 794540 or 01904 490413
South Ainsty Archaeological and History Society
In March we produced the final report on the work we have done so far at the Knights Templar site at Copmanthorpe. We hope to do further fieldwork in 2008.
In June we started a survey of the medieval moated site at Colton, but were rained off. We are returning on 3 November to finish the survey and do some geophysics.
Our main project at the moment is research for a history of Copmanthorpe. If you are interested in helping with the research in any way, or have any old photos or documents about the village, please contact Phil (tel: 01943 600447).
Tang Hall Local History Group
Tang Hall Local History Group now has a new venue, St Aelred’s Community Centre in Fifth Avenue, Tang Hall. The number of members has increased and we have had a varied and interesting programme for 2007. We are presently in the process of arranging a reprint of our book ‘East of York’ and hope to have copies on sale very soon.
Our group continues to thrive and new members will be made most welcome.
Contact Jon and Jane Burrows [[email protected]] or 01904 345942, Wendy Simmons – 01904 410982, and John Garton – 01904 416222.
York Young Archaeologists Club
The York branch of the Young Archaeologists Club has about 30 members and we usually have 15 to 20 at any one meeting; members are aged between 9 and 16. We meet at the Yorkshire Museum or out at a particular site nearby on the second Saturday of the month. In 2007 we have had sessions on: Science in Archaeology, Place Names, What is a Monument, WW1 on Walmgate Stray, Archery with the York Archers, How to Record a Church, DIG and Hungate, Excavation at Broughton and Gargoyles.
Contact Helen ([email protected]) or
Jon Kenny ([email protected])
We hope to include news from other groups in future editions.
Timeline York Plus holds quarterly meetings hosted each time by one of the member groups; the most recent was held at Strensall.
The next meeting is scheduled for 2 pm on 19 January 2008 in the boardroom of the offices of the York Archaeological Trust in Aldwark.
Dr. Jon Kenny is the Greater York Community Archaeologist. His e-mail is: [email protected]. Also make contact via: the York Archaeological Trust at 47 Aldwark, York: Tel. 01904 663035.
Jon maintains a WIKI website ( giving details of archaeological activities in the Greater York area. It also includes more news of the Groups in this Newsletter.
This newsletter has been edited by Elizabeth Smith and Ted Kendall. Comments and enquiries may be sent to the various Groups’ contacts, where given, or to Ted Kendall at: [email protected] or telephone 01904 338610.
Newsletter No 3 Autumn 2007
This Newsletter is distributed to the Timeline York Plus groups and to libraries in the Greater York area.
Acomb Local History Group
Contact: John Terry 01904 798956
Bishop Wilton Local History Group
Our Bishop Wilton Local History Group is entering its sixth year and we are about to publish our 16th Bulletin. Over the sixteen issues we have filled just over 450 pages with both the ancient and recent history of our Parish. We have a small core of active members and a larger circle of supporters who attend our regular meetings and exhibitions. Our website continues to be very successful in garnering material from the descendants of former residents which would have otherwise been lost to us.
The Bishop Wilton website is:
Bishopthorpe Local History Group
Our activities are progressing, but a little more slowly than we would have liked. Some members have been involved in various public enquiries including the preparation of a history panel to be located in the pinfold and this has placed other work on hold. Our Community Archive is now back in Bishopthorpe library and, after some technical problems, work is continuing on the preparation of a CD ROM. Our stand at the Bishopthorpe gala was well received and sales of prints of old Bishopthorpe were popular. Oral history interviews continue to be successful and we have 70 on disc. Transcription of various archives onto disc continues.
Contact: D Forrester 01904 705396
Dringhouses Local History Group
Our programme of monthly talks, walks and visits continues to be very well supported. We have recently undertaken an archaeological survey in a Dringhouses garden and we have produced leaflets about historical aspects of old Dringhouses and the Knavesmire. Both of these are proving very popular.
We continue to build a collection of photos of Dringhouses past and present and some members are researching Dringhouses families and seven “lost” houses. We always welcome reminiscences and information and our meetings are, of course, open to all.
To contact the Group please telephone York 706384 or 703970.
Friends of Hob Moor
Our Group is fully involved in all aspects of the ecology and history of Hob Moor Local Nature Reserve and area of archaeological importance, and Little Hob Moor. Detailed information boards are now in place at 4 of the access points and one is planned for the Tadcaster Road entrance to Little Hob Moor. The long-planned archaeological work to try to find the site of the medieval water mill and to investigate the south-west end of the main track may take place next year.
We have a new website It already has a number of sections and is still being developed.
You can contact us on 01904 784616, also at [email protected] or via the website.
Friends of Hagg Wood
In 2007 FWH was awarded two grants: £11,690 from Local Heritage Initiative and £7,145 from Breathing Places. The LHI grant paid for BTCV to clear away rhododendron, to allow Stephen Moorhouse to undertake a landscape history survey of the wood, set in the medieval township of Scoreby. His initial findings are recorded in the second edition of the FHW booklet, renamed ‘Hagg Wood – Past, Present and Future’ and published in November 2007.
FHW has been recording hedgerows under the guidance of Barry Wright, as well as looking at the boundaries, ditches and dykes within the wood, trying to place them in chronological order. Barry’s initial work is also included in the booklet.
Please contact Linda Maggs on York 489127. Everyone is welcome.
Forest and Hopgrove Local History Group
Contact: Terry Briggs: 46 Kingsmoor Road, Stockton on the Forest, YO32 9TY (Tel. 01904 400013) or Steve Burton: 98, the Village, Stockton on the Forest, YO32 9UW (Tel. 01904 400066)
Haxby Local History Group
The Carnival was another success with great interest shown in the History Group marquee.
We have received two WWII medals found locally. One has been researched and a presentation created which has been displayed at various venues including the local library. The other is still being researched. Compilation is progressing of our new book, a pictorial history over the years. It will be entitled “Haxby Remembered”.
Now that plaques have been fixed to the buildings of historical interest in the village, a number of well-supported tours have been given. Over the season we have had many interesting and informative talks and visits enjoyed by members.
For more information contact Moira Walker, 14 Old Dikelands, Haxby YO32 2WN
Hungate Excavation (Hungate Community Trust: Archaeology Group)
Contact: Martin Bartlett 01904 631861 or Liddy Dalesman 01904 332784
Naburn Local History Group
Naburn Local History Group was formed in 2000, after being given invaluable help by Susan Major of Poppleton History Society. We subsequently received a grant from ‘Awards for All’.
In September, Stillingfleet Chroniclers kindly invited us to their monthly meeting. They staged a very interesting display for us (old maps, census returns, photographs, etc).
We have inserted 184 records (mostly photographs) into the site at
We are hoping to produce a leaflet similar to the ones (for the Knavesmire and Dringhouses) produced by Dringhouses Local History Group. Naburn is planning a ‘Village Design Statement’
in 2008, and it is thought that some of the material gathered for this will also be suitable for producing an ‘Exploring Old Naburn’ leaflet.
Contact: Iris Wells [[email protected]]
Poppleton History Society
The Archaeology Group completed the geophysical survey of the Scheduled Ancient Monument located near St. Everilda’s Church and the technical report should be ready in November. Some preliminary survey work was carried out from the edge of the site towards the River Ouse with the aim of verifying the extent and method of retention of the site perimeter. Further research into the Tudor Manor location is planned together with investigations into the areas adjacent to the Ancient Monument.
The History Society continues its monthly presentations, starting at 7.30pm, at the Methodist Church Hall in Poppleton on the first Wednesday of each month. For further details contact 01904 338610. We have a History Society website on
Stillingfleet Chroniclers
Contact Yvonne Clark 01904 728877
Strensall Local History Group
We have commenced a topographical survey of the grounds and fields surrounding the Strensall Manor House, an undertaking that will take some time to complete. Although there has been extensive building (and later demolition) in some of the fields, the remnants of the old course of the River Foss have been identified together with some man-made features. There are plans to complete a geophysical survey over some of these features, for example the moat. The Buildings History sub-group has carried out a large scale visual survey of the houses in the old part of the village, obtaining as much historical information about them as possible. The results were presented at a recent Group meeting. The Oral History sub-group has recorded the memories of several current and former villagers and the transcripts are in progress.
For more information contact: 01904 794540 or 01904 490413
South Ainsty Archaeological and History Society
In March we produced the final report on the work we have done so far at the Knights Templar site at Copmanthorpe. We hope to do further fieldwork in 2008.
In June we started a survey of the medieval moated site at Colton, but were rained off. We are returning on 3 November to finish the survey and do some geophysics.
Our main project at the moment is research for a history of Copmanthorpe. If you are interested in helping with the research in any way, or have any old photos or documents about the village, please contact Phil (tel: 01943 600447).
Tang Hall Local History Group
Tang Hall Local History Group now has a new venue, St Aelred’s Community Centre in Fifth Avenue, Tang Hall. The number of members has increased and we have had a varied and interesting programme for 2007. We are presently in the process of arranging a reprint of our book ‘East of York’ and hope to have copies on sale very soon.
Our group continues to thrive and new members will be made most welcome.
Contact Jon and Jane Burrows [[email protected]] or 01904 345942, Wendy Simmons – 01904 410982, and John Garton – 01904 416222.
York Young Archaeologists Club
The York branch of the Young Archaeologists Club has about 30 members and we usually have 15 to 20 at any one meeting; members are aged between 9 and 16. We meet at the Yorkshire Museum or out at a particular site nearby on the second Saturday of the month. In 2007 we have had sessions on: Science in Archaeology, Place Names, What is a Monument, WW1 on Walmgate Stray, Archery with the York Archers, How to Record a Church, DIG and Hungate, Excavation at Broughton and Gargoyles.
Contact Helen ([email protected]) or
Jon Kenny ([email protected])
We hope to include news from other groups in future editions.
Timeline York Plus holds quarterly meetings hosted each time by one of the member groups; the most recent was held at Strensall.
The next meeting is scheduled for 2 pm on 19 January 2008 in the boardroom of the offices of the York Archaeological Trust in Aldwark.
Dr. Jon Kenny is the Greater York Community Archaeologist. His e-mail is: [email protected]. Also make contact via: the York Archaeological Trust at 47 Aldwark, York: Tel. 01904 663035.
Jon maintains a WIKI website ( giving details of archaeological activities in the Greater York area. It also includes more news of the Groups in this Newsletter.
This newsletter has been edited by Elizabeth Smith and Ted Kendall. Comments and enquiries may be sent to the various Groups’ contacts, where given, or to Ted Kendall at: [email protected] or telephone 01904 338610.