Researched and Comiled by Patsy Pendegrass
The Haxby & Wiggington Local History Group
Revised edition 2011
To view the booklet click on the headings below. You can navigate by clicking next page or return to index.
History of Brickmaking in the Environs of Haxby
Location of Brickworks in the Haxby Area
Brickmaking in Haxby
Family Names Connected with the Brick Industry in Haxby from 1823 to 1930s
19th to 20th Century Brickworks
Methods of Brickmaking
Firing the Bricks
The Great Rebuilding
New Machines for use in Brick Making on Show at 'The Great Exhibition 1851'
Bricklaying Bonds
Site of Driffield's Brickworks in Haxby
Some Haxby Builders in the early to Mid 20th Century
History of Brickmaking in the Environs of Haxby
Location of Brickworks in the Haxby Area
Brickmaking in Haxby
Family Names Connected with the Brick Industry in Haxby from 1823 to 1930s
19th to 20th Century Brickworks
Methods of Brickmaking
Firing the Bricks
The Great Rebuilding
New Machines for use in Brick Making on Show at 'The Great Exhibition 1851'
Bricklaying Bonds
Site of Driffield's Brickworks in Haxby
Some Haxby Builders in the early to Mid 20th Century